New Novel: The Human Stain

Philip Roth is an author I never encountered or heard much about until after college. I think back on who I was exposed to during that time, the great authors who rose to prominence between the 60s and 90s: Updike, Garcia Marquez, Le Guin, Barth, Morrison, Doctorow, Eco, Naipaul, McCarthy, DeLillo, Irving, Rushdie… but never … Continue reading

New book! Middlemarch by George Eliot

Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress. And with this inauspicious beginning we tackle the next book in the Master List, Middlemarch by George Eliot. Here are the details on the novel. Pick up a copy… if  you dare. Full title: Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial … Continue reading

New book: Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev

  We’ve finished The Talented Mr. Ripley and will start up a new book, Ivan Turgenev’s classic Fathers and Sons. I know very little about this work so this will be the best kind of reading experience: a total surprise. Here are the stats and the first line. Fathers and Sons (Also known as Fathers … Continue reading

What I’ll be Reading in 2011

What other fairly passive hobby can give more satisfaction than the reading of a book? Really, it is silly to think of it as an accomplishment when you flip the last page. You read something. Most of us read things all day but we hardly feel self-satisfied when putting down a newspaper or magazine. Well, … Continue reading