In Middlemarch, Spring/Winter Marriage, not so smart

So what we have here right out of the gate in George Eliot’s Middlemarch is a tee-up for a good old fashioned love triangle. Our thoughtful protag Dorothea Brooke thinks, on impulse, there is nothing more she would like in the world than to be married to an older, brilliant scholar and whittle away her … Continue reading

Read this Book!

I have a recommendation for everyone. An old friend of mine, my former college professor and mentor, George O’Har has published a new novel on Kindle. I wholeheartedly recommend picking up a copy and enjoying the read. Get a copy here. Here’s the plot summary: America is at war in Viet Nam. Tom Betz drops … Continue reading

New book! Middlemarch by George Eliot

Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress. And with this inauspicious beginning we tackle the next book in the Master List, Middlemarch by George Eliot. Here are the details on the novel. Pick up a copy… if  you dare. Full title: Middlemarch: A Study of Provincial … Continue reading

Fear the Future…Middlemarch is coming

Middlemarch. The name alone conjures terrible images in my head. War and Peace without the War. Pride and Prejudice only less sexy and twice as long. Take a Thomas Hardy novel, take out the part at the end where someone dies, put the writing style in a dehydrator until it’s dry as a bag of … Continue reading

Nihilism in Fathers and Sons

A pleasant discovery in reading Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons is that it is one of the earliest commentaries on  nihilism. The ever-reliable Wikipedia entry on nihilism cites Fathers and Sons as the work to first popularize the term. It went on to mean something broader thanks to our favorite philosopher of the revolutionary and despot, … Continue reading